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409 Point Shotgun/Hammer DPS And Survivability Build

Hints,tips,guides,deck builds and more.

Name: Ballistic Slobberknocker©

Weapons: Shotgun/Hammer

Cost: 409 Ability Points

Description: An easy to build DPS & Survivabilty deck that focuses on Weakening the opponent to reap the rewards of the Debilitated effect with resource builders and finishing them off with powerful finishers. Debilitate stacks a damage reduce debuff on the opponent thus making you take softer hits and keeping you up longer in fights without sacrificing firepower to be the last one standing.

Active Skills

1.Fire And Forget (Shotgun-Outer Wheel), builder

2.Out For A Kill (Shotgun-Inner Wheel), consumer

3.Smash (Hammer-Inner Wheel), builder

4.No Mercy (Hammer-Outer Wheel), consumer

5.Haymaker (Hammer-Inner Wheel), consumer

6.Shockwave (Hammer-Inner Wheel), elite utility, Impair

7.Turn The Tables (Misc Survivalism- Outer Wheel), ‘Oh Crap!’ button

Passive Skills

1.Improved Blasts (Hammer)- Weakens opponent. Kicks in Debilitated, reduces opponent damage output by 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks to 10. Works well with No Mercy and multiple targets

2.Below The Belt (Hammer)- Weakens opponent. Kicks in Debilitated, reduces opponent damage output by 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks to 10. Works well with Smash and single targets

3.Hard Impact (Hammer)- Increases damage dealt by Hammer abilities by 10%

4.Improved Strikes (Hammer)- Increases damage dealt by Strike abilities by 7.5%. Works well with Haymaker

5. Forged In Fire (Hammer)- When below 50% health, regenerates 40% of your health over 10 seconds. Works well period.

6.Gunsmoke (Shotgun)- Whenever you apply Weaken, target takes additional physical damage

7.12 Gauge (Shotgun)- Whenever you penetrate, target becomes Weakened. Kicks in Debilitated, reduces opponent damage output by 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks to 10. Works well with Penetration Glyphs and stats

The build in action : 


Against single targets, open the fight with either Fire And Forget from a close distance or Smash to build resources. When both weapon resources are maxed, execute Out For A Kill or Haymaker to finish off targets. Rinse and repeat if necessary. Use Shockwave to Interrupt and Impair enemy skills that would hurt you, especially against elite mobs or boss mobs. If you find your health getting dangerously low, hit Turn The Tables for an emergency self heal. Forged In Fire should also be kicking in unless spent.

Against multiple targets, keep a distance and spam Fire And Forget to build resources on them. Use No Mercy to both soften targets and as a finisher. Using Shockwave against difficult multiple targets is also a good way to get out of a sticky situation. Add Out For A Kill and Haymaker into the rotation when you know you have the upper hand and can afford to finish off mobs one by one.

Talismans, Glyphs & Signets

Best to equip DPS stat Talismans and Glyphs for full effectiveness in combat. Attack Rating, Hit Rating and Penetration is your best bet. You should be looking at 1900 HP for the best damage output, but it is advised to throw on a few Tank pieces in tougher situations. Shotgun and Hammer damage signets would be a nice addition.


This deck is meant for PVE play and not recommended for Dungeon runs or for taking on the Gatekeeper.